Note: This is not a complete list of all our events. To get more information come out to one of our meet nights or check out the Tripod pages to see what events each committee plans!
Meet Nights, Mixer and Mock

Open Mixers: Come see what we’re all about! (ALL will start at 7:00pm):
onday 2/1: Meet Night – Farrall Agriculture Engineering – Room 116
Tuesday 2/2: Meet Night – Eppley Center – Room 118
Wednesday 2/3: Meet Night – Wells – Room B122
Thursday 2/4: Get to Know You – MSU Union – Room 50
Closed Recruitment Events (Invite Only, Locations TBD)
Mixer: Tuesday 2/9
Mock: Thursday 2/11
Chapter Interviews: Sat 2/15 at 10am
Meet nights are our first rush events for every semester. They run three nights in a row, usually from about 7 to 8 at night. Their purpose to to give perspectives looking to rush our Fraternity a chance to find out what we are all about. Usually a short presentation is given and then prospectives have a chance to stay at talk to brothers after, all without any pressure!
Our Get to Know You night is an informal round-table discussion between brothers and prospectives about why we do what we do. Prospectives will have a chance to learn more about our fraternity and their future in our organization, and will have an opportunity to talk with brothers about their future role and place in Phi Sigma Pi.
Mixer is our first rush event every semester following our meet nights. What it does is again it allows perspectives to come out and get to know brothers in a friendly manner, but this time there is usually some sort of ice breaker activity. It influences brothers and perspectives to talk to one another about various aspects of the tripod that we as members of Phi Sigma Pi hold to highly.
Mock is our final rush event leading up to chapter interviews. It usually takes place at a brothers house or other public location and is a “giant hangout”. It is a really good way to get to know one another on a more intimate level, without using any ice breakers or formal presentations.
All of the rush events are on a no pressure level! Everything is done in a very friendly manner.
Each year the Scholastic Committee puts on an informative panel, recruiting experts to present on relevant topics to students. Last year’s topic was healthcare systems, and this years panel will be about immigration reform.
Rubber Ducky Derby
Rubber Ducky Derby is an event that held by the Fund-raising Committee every Fall and all the proceeds go to H.A.W.K. The ducks are sold a week or two before they are released into the Red Cedar River at the Wells Hall bridge. It’s a mini duck race the that is designed to be a fun raise money for our local philanthropy. Check us out in the State News
Teeter-Totter-A-Thon (TTAT)
The Philanthropy Committee’s most recognizable event is Teeter-Totter-A-Thon, a combination Fundraising/Service event that occurs each fall. Brothers Teeter-Totter for 24 straight hours, sometimes through snow and rain, never missing a beat
To get more information
Check us out on any one of our additional sites or to donate click on the paypal icon