A bit of History…
It’s all about Beta Sigma
The Beta Sigma chapter was founded on March 19th, 1995

and is located at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. Business meetings are held Sunday evenings during the Fall and Spring semesters, with Meetings starting at 7:00 p.m.
Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity is a co-educational fraternity open to undergraduate students attending four-year colleges and universities throughout the United States. Our purpose is to bring together some of the brightest and most motivated students on campus and work together in a spirit of excellence to encourage three ideals:
(a) The acquisition and dissemination of information and knowledge through scholarship.
(b) The application of professional skills and the fostering of leadership qualities by promoting and advancing the welfare of humanity.
(c) The fostering of non-discriminatory, fraternal fellowship within our ranks.
Collectively, these three ideals are known as “The Tripod” of Phi Sigma Pi. Joining Phi Sigma Pi is the first step in a lifelong journey of increased awareness, improved capabilities, greater opportunities and a network of friendships. Phi Sigma Pi is open for membership to both male and female students who have achieved a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA on a 4.00 scale.
Our members tend to be some of the most involved students on campus. We routinely have members who are also involved in social fraternities or sororities, honor societies, university athletics, student government, and many other organizations. We are not part of the social Greek system. We support involvement in other organizations and membership in Phi Sigma Pi poses no conflict with membership in any other campus organization.
Some facts
Organisation was founded on February 14, 1916 at the University of Central Missouri.
The national philanthropy for Phi Sigma Pi is the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Foundation (HOBY).
Our local chapter philanthropy is the Help a Willing Kid Foundation (HAWK).
Phi Sigma Pi National Website
Michigan State University
Help a Willing Kid Foundation (HAWK