Standing committees: Social Committee, Inter Chapter Committee, Alumni Committee, Public Relations Committee
“Or perhaps, to confess that you yourself are worried and frightened? You need your friends, Harry. As you so rightly said, Sirius would not have wanted you to shut yourself away.”
― Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Social Committee is focused on committing to the Fellowship leg of the tripod. Throughout each semester this committee plans events outside of the fraternity to help the brothers learn more about each other and ultimately come together as a brotherhood. Such past events include: Formal, Date-Nights, Tigers Baseball games, and other fun activities.

Inter Chapter
“We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.”
― Tim McGraw
One of the most important aspects of Phi Sigma Pi’s brotherhood is that it extends beyond the current members of our chapter at Michigan State University. The Interchapter OCOs work to ensure that Brothers who are members of chapters at different universities feel welcome at Michigan State and know what we are up to.
The OCOs often organize events with other Phi Sigma Pi chapters in the Great Lakes Region, including a recent trip to Uncle John’s Cider Mill with CMU’s Gamma Mu Chapter. Beta Sigma has also participated in Gamma Xi and Alpha Lambda’s Philly Cup in Philadelphia, PA for the past two years, and is the annual host of the Interchapter Beta Sigma Broomball Tournament for the Help a Willing Kid Foundation.

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